From the NY Post: Friday, March 20, 2015 —
“A Park Slope woman says her spurned ex is so desperate to crawl back into her life that he’s waging a bogus custody battle over her adorable Cavalier Kings Spaniel, Rufus.
“Her computer-freelancer ex, Zack Goldberg (inset), never even liked Rufus when they lived together, McKayla Kingston (far right) alleges in a Brooklyn federal-court counter-lawsuit she filed Thursday.
“He’s claiming that he wants to spend time with the dog now — a year after their breakup and his move to Washington, DC — only as a pretext to remain in her life, she complains.
“‘Mr. Goldberg does not share Ms. Kingston’s deep, abiding love and commitment to Rufus,’ says her suit, which seeks a judge’s protection order barring Goldberg from contact with her or the canine.
“Goldberg even originally lobbied against purchasing the now-3-year-old floppy-eared charmer and spent the two years before the breakup complaining that Rufus’ yapping hampered his “productivity” as he worked from their apartment she says in her lawsuit.
“Goldberg counters that he’s not trying to get back — or with — his ex at all.
“‘This is just her spiting me,’ he told The Post. ‘Just to be clear, I broke up with her and this is her way of getting back at me. I just want to see the dog.'”
— Selim Algar, Laura Italiano, Frank Rosario
The Firm represents Ms. Kingston.